The installation MACHINE is a construction built inside the gallery room. The visitor walks in there alone and experiences the work. MACHINE gives the viewer an unique, individual experience for a limited time, and explores fields in the periphery of photography. 

Since the experience is based on a surprising effect no further details about the work are given here. One person said after his visit in MACHINE; "It was a similar room on the other side. I was there too, but soon I dissapeared up to the left." 

MACHINE is a collaboration between me and Ulf Lundin

(The text is an excerpt from the press release from Galleri Magnus Karlsson, Stockholm, August 2002)
Electronics: Andreas Rasmusson och Michael Unnebäck.

MACHINE has been shown at Gallery Magnus Karlsson in Stockholm and at Fotogalleriet in Oslo 

MACHINE has been shown at Gallery Magnus Karlsson in Stockholm and at Fotogalleriet in Oslo 

inside the chamber there is only darkness – when a flash goes off the spectator will see his/her reflection in a mirror. The image will linger in the your brain for a short while. Each experience is different and unique
— text about the Camera Show
Use the black robe if you have light color clothes

Use the black robe if you have light color clothes